My NCT story Karen Cornish

NCT member Karen Cornish tells us how she overcame her fear of childbirth and that it’s OK to have a bad day.

Tell us about yourself

I’m a 36 year old freelance writer from north Norfolk. My husband, Simon, is an IT manager and we have two daughters, Martha (7) and Elsie (2).

I became an NCT member when I became pregnant with Martha. I had avoided everything to do with babies before this because of a severe fear of childbirth. A friend recommended signing up for NCT antenatal classes and I found the information really useful, as well as gaining a really important support network of friends.

I later volunteered for the Norfolk and Norwich branch and have been their newsletter editor for nearly four years now.

What have you enjoyed the most so far about parenthood?

No two days are the same and because young children grow so quickly they seem to be constantly jumping onto the next developmental stage.

My two year old is at the age now when she says new words and does new things every day so there is always a surprise.

What have you found the most challenging?

The most challenging thing is definitely managing lack of sleep, although the challenges of a six year old pushing boundaries and challenging authority is also very hard work!

Has anything surprised you?

I suppose what surprised me most was how wonderful giving birth could be. I’d gone all my life avoiding the subject of children due to a fear of childbirth but when I realised it was actually my dislike of hospitals and medical interventions that frightened me I had two amazing pain-relief free, water births at home.

I came out of that first birth a completely different person. I was so empowered I felt I could achieve anything!

What tips would you give to other parents?

Every single baby is different and every situation is different so what works for one won’t necessarily work for another. I would just say try not to beat yourself up if you have a bad day. We all have them!

Finally, what do you think are the biggest challenges facing parents today?

I think there are lots of expectations on parents these days, especially mums, which can be very challenging. Also, in a world full of ‘stuff’, it’s a challenge to give your children a more simple life. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that what children want above all else is your time.

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