Help shape the future of women’s health services in England

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) want to hear about your reproductive health experiences in a new survey. Keep reading to find out how to get involved.

Women aged 16-55 years across England are invited to share their experiences on a range of issues, including periods, contraception, fertility, pregnancy and the menopause in the Women’s Reproductive Health Survey.

Findings from the survey will be used to better understand women’s reproductive health experiences over time. The data will also help inform current and future government decision-making around health policy.

The survey hopes to deliver on the government’s commitment in the Women’s Health Strategy to improve reproductive healthcare for women and increase female participation in vital research.

The survey will run for six weeks from Thursday 7 September 2023.  If you are interested in taking part, please click here.