Have your say on NCT volunteering!

This month we’re launching an exciting new project to help shape the future of volunteering at NCT – and we want you to be involved. Find out how below.

We want to hear your voice

Volunteers are a huge part of what we do. They help support parents in their local communities, fundraise and support our campaigns. Find out how you can get involved here.

A team of volunteers and staff from across the charity will be reaching out to people across our community to hear their experience and views on volunteering at NCT. It doesn’t matter if you are new to NCT or you have been a member for years. We’d love to hear your voice as a valued member of the NCT family.

If you’re happy to speak to us, please let us know here.


Volunteers are a vital part of our NCT community. We’d love you to get involved – find out how here.

If you’d like to lead one of our popular and hugely beneficial Walk & Talks, visit your local NCT Facebook page or check out our info here.