Have your voice heard – new research on deciding how to give birth

NCT is part of a new research study to create a tool that helps women decide whether to plan vaginal or caesarean birth. The study is called Plan-A. Read more about it below.

The team of researchers from The University of Aberdeen are looking for two people to join their ‘lived experience’ panel which involves being part of discussions about how the research is carried out, looking at documents to make sure it is easily understandable to other parents, and help to make sense of what they learn.

You will be paid for your time supporting the research. You need to have given birth and be from an ethnic minority group, in a same-sex relationship, a single parent and/or on a low income.

This is to make sure that women with possibly different experiences and views are involved. If you would like to know more or to put your name forward, please get in touch with NCT’s Research and Evaluation Manager, Jennifer Holly, via email at jennifer.holly@nct.org.uk.